General Terms of Use
1.1. Delimitation of parties. These terms of use (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and
Conditions") govern the mutual rights and obligations between Livesport s.r.o, with its
registered office at Bucharova 2928/14a, Stodůlky, 158 00 Prague 5, Aspira Business
Centre, ID No. 274 33 722, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal
Court in Prague, file No. C113331, Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as
"Operator", "we", "us" or "our", etc.) and third natural persons (hereinafter referred to as
"User", "you", "your", "you're", etc.) when using our website (hereinafter referred to as
1.2. Contact details.
1.2.1. Delivery address s.r.o., with registered office at Bucharova 2928/14a, Stodůlky,
158 00 Prague 5, Aspira Business Centre, Czech Republic.
1.2.2. Single point of contact for electronic communication in Czech and English
language: [email protected].
1.3. Applicability of conditions. If you are a non-registered user of the Website, only the
provisions on the nature and use of the Website apply to you, in particular Article 1 and
2 of these Terms and Conditions. For registered users, the Terms and Conditions apply
in full and we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them, in particular with the
specific provisions of Article 3 - 11 which form the Service contract between the
registered user and us.
2.1. Nature of the Service and our content. The Website contains up-to-date information
on sporting events, in particular sports results, fixtures, and other sports statistics and
sports content ("our content"). Our content displayed on the Website is based on
information provided by other independent sources (third parties) or collected by our
efforts. Although we make every effort to regularly update and check our content
displayed on the Website, we make no promises or guarantees about the Website and
we encourage you to carefully compare the information collected on the Website also
with original and other sources.
2.2. Use of the site is at your own risk. We operate the Website and provide our content
with reasonable diligence and care that may be reasonably required from us and in the
manner described in these Terms and Conditions. Your access to and use of the
Website, and the use of any information that may be provided to you in connection with
the Website are, however, at your sole choice, discretion, risk and for your personal use
only. You may not use the Website or our content for commercial purposes.
2.3. Registration. We may require registration in order for you to access certain parts or
features of the Website. Without registration, you may not be able to view and use all
content and the features of the Website may be limited.
2.4. Third Party Content. We do not provide our content for external applications or
resources that can be accessed from the Website. Any third party content available on
the Website is not hosted on our servers, nor do we create or upload it to the server
where it is hosted. Third party content is generally marked with an appropriate logo,
icon or other third party identifier. We expressly exclude any liability associated with
such content, its availability or the information contained therein.
2.5. Display ads. Unless agreed otherwise you agree that advertising, including third party
advertising, may be displayed on the Service.
2.6. Cookies and cookies consent management tool. We inform you about details about
cookies and collect your consent via a specific digital solution operated by a third party.
2.7. Relationship to gambling. The Website is not a gaming application or a gambling
application. We do not operate games or gambling, therefore we do not accept or
control your funds or other monies and do not participate in any gambling related
transactions. The betting odds displayed on the Website are presented for reporting
and comparison purposes. No communication or information posted on the Website
constitutes a recommendation to participate in a game or to place a bet, nor does it
constitute legal, tax or other similar advice in connection with gaming or gambling.
2.8. Local Law. We recommend that you comply with the applicable law of the country in
which you are temporarily or permanently resident, a citizen and/or present.
2.9. Content rights. Texts, photographs, graphic works and other elements contained on
the Website may be individually and/or as a whole (hereinafter collectively referred to
as "Copyright Works") protected by copyright. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with
us, the fair use of the Copyright Works may only occur to the extent and in the manner
provided for by the applicable law. In particular, the use of copyright works in the form
of reproduction (copying) for the purpose of direct or indirect economic gain, as well
as the use in the form of distribution, lending, display or communication of the work to
the public (including communication to the public via the Internet) is not permitted
without our express consent.
2.10. Protection Databases. Content databases contained on the Website (hereinafter
referred to as "Database Content") is protected by a special right of the database
provider. Unless otherwise agreed with us in writing, the lawful use of the Database
Content may only take place to the extent and in the manner provided for by the
applicable law. In particular, no extraction (copying) or exploitation (making available to
the public) of the Database Content or of a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial
part thereof is permitted without our express consent.
2.11. Illegal interventions. You may not use any mechanism, tool, software or process that
has or could adversely affect the operation of our facilities, the security of the Internet
or other Internet users. You must not burden our server on which the Website is hosted
with automated requests, nor assist any third party in such activity. You may not
modify, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Website in any way, unless
otherwise required by applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore, you are not
permitted to use our content available on the Website by embedding, aggregating,
scraping or recreating it without our express consent, unless otherwise provided for by
applicable laws and regulations.
2.12. Consequences of violation of rights. Your interference with copyright, trademark
rights, or interference with the special rights of the database provider may result in
civil, administrative, or criminal liability.
3.1. Registration. You will make a proposal to enter into a Service contract by completing
the information in the registration form located on the website and by clicking on the
"Create My Account" button or ("Registration Application"). You are responsible for
ensuring that the information provided in the Registration Application is correct.
3.2. Activation. Following receipt of the Registration Application, we may accept your
Registration Application and send to your e-mail address provided in the registration
request ("User's address") the information necessary to make your user account active
and operational. Upon activation of your account by you, the Service contract is
3.3. Use of third-party registration. If you use an existing registration with a third party (for
example, a social network registration), you may send us a proposal to conclude a
service contract by clicking on the relevant “SIGN IN” button with the logo, trademark
and/or service name of the third party and by confirming registration and logging in
through this third party. Following the delivery of the proposal for the conclusion of a
service contract according to the previous sentence to us, you will be allowed to use
the service. By allowing you to use the service, the service contract is concluded.
3.4. Consent to the provision of the Service. You agree that we may commence the
provision of the Service under the Service contract immediately upon its conclusion,
even before the expiry of the statutory withdrawal period.
3.5. Cost of communication equipment. You agree to the use of remote means of
communication when entering into a Service contract. The costs you incur in using a
means of remote communication in connection with the conclusion of a Service
contract (e.g. the cost of connecting to the internet) will be borne by you separately
and will not differ from the basic rate for the use of such means of communication.
4.1. Subject of the contract. On the basis of the Service contract we will enable you to
create a user account on our Website and use the content and features that are
subject to registration and account activation (also referred to as "Service").
4.2. Contents of the contract. The Terms and Conditions form an integral part of the
Service contract.
4.3. Language of the contract. The contract for the provision of Service shall be concluded
in the English language.
5.1. Account Protection. Access to the user account is secured with a username and
password or third party log in tool. You are required to maintain the confidentiality of
the information necessary to access your user account and acknowledge that we are
not liable for any breach of this obligation by you.
5.2. User account functions. With a user account, the user can use the Service in its
5.3. Personalization of content. You are entitled to adapt the content of the Service to your
own needs, but always only within the scope of the setting options offered by the
6.1. Inability to provide the Service. We may not provide the Service if the Service is
prevented from being provided by difficulties on your part or on the part of others. In
particular, we may not provide the Service if there are power outages, data network
outages, other failures caused by third parties or acts of God.
6.2. Service Outages. Service outages, temporary limitations, interruptions, or reductions in
Service quality may occur. Information stored by you under the Service may not be
backed up by us, may be corrupted or otherwise degraded.
6.3. Limitation of quality of Service. To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for
(i) any malfunction of any computer programs related to the Website, (ii) defects or
viruses that result in loss of data, (iii) any other damage to your computer equipment,
mobile phone or mobile device or software, (iv) errors (including errors in inputs,
displayed data or results), and (v) any attempts by you to use the Website by methods,
means or methods not intended by us. We reserve the right to suspend, modify, remove
or supplement the Website in our sole discretion and to the extent permitted by law,
and to suspend your use of the Website. We shall not be liable for any such action.
6.4. Bugs. You agree to notify us of any error within your user account on the Website or
any error in any information displayed on the Website (including but not limited to
miscalculations, misrepresentations, incorrect fees, commissions, bonuses or payouts,
or currency conversions).
6.5. Limitation of liability. Neither we (including our officers, directors, agents and
employees) nor any person associated with us shall be liable in contract, tort (including
negligence) or otherwise for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special,
punitive, compensatory or exemplary damages, in particular, for loss of data, profits,
revenue, business, opportunity, goodwill, reputation or business interruption or for any
other loss which we could not have foreseen and which arises out of the Service
contract or your use of the Website.
6.6. Compensation. The information on the Website is provided on an "as is" basis and you
agree to release us from any and all liability in connection with the Website and the
information contained on the Website. Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 6 of
the Terms and Conditions, our liability is limited to the maximum extent permitted by
applicable laws.
7.1. Unsolicited promotion. With respect to privacy, information and cyber security
requirements and to prevent fraud, it is expressly prohibited to post any information on
the Website or contact our customers to offer or promote any offers, products or
7.2. Anti-Fraud and Anti-Harassment Policy. We have a zero-tolerance policy for
inappropriate and fraudulent activities within the Website. If, in our sole discretion, we
determine that you have attempted to fraud us and/or another user of the Website in
any way, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your user account or to prohibit
you from accessing the Website for a specific or indefinite period of time. We shall not
be liable for taking such action to the extent permitted by applicable law.
8.1. Handling complaints. We handle consumer complaints via an electronic address at the
contact address (Article 1.2) We will send information about the handling of your
complaint to the user's electronic address.
8.2. Out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes. You can find the authority competent
for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes arising from a Service contract at The online dispute
resolution platform located at can be used to
resolve disputes between us and you under a Service contract.
8.3. Consumer Contact Point. You can find the contact point under Regulation (EU) No.
524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online
dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No.
2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on online dispute resolution for
consumer disputes) at
8.4. Authorization to do business. We are authorized to do business under a Czech trade
license. Our activities are subject to control by the relevant Czech supervisory authority
within its jurisdiction. Supervision in the area of data protection is exercised by the
supervisory authority in the EU Member State in which you are habitually resident, have
your place of work or where the place of the alleged data breach is located.
8.5. Warranty claims. The rights and obligations regarding our liability for defects in the
Service are governed by the applicable laws and regulations. You can exercise your
rights arising from our liability for defects in the Service, in particular at our registered
office or by e-mail address (Art. 2).
8.6. Communication between the parties. Unless otherwise agreed, all correspondence
relating to legal proceedings in connection with the Service contract shall be delivered
to the other party in text form by electronic mail. You will also be served by electronic
mail at the User's address.
9.1. Information on the processing of personal data. We fulfill our information obligation
within the meaning of Article 13 of Regulation (EC) 2016/679 of the European
Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the
processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing
Directive 95/46/EC ("GDPR") by means of a special document designated as
information on the processing of personal data ("Privacy Policy").
9.2. These Terms and Conditions should be read and interpreted in conjunction with our
Privacy Policy, which is available on the Website.
10.1. Effectiveness of the contract. The Service contract shall become effective upon its
conclusion. The Service contract is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
10.2. Withdrawal from the contract. From the moment of conclusion of the Contract, we
shall immediately commence performance of the Service contract in connection with
which the User's right to withdraw from the Service contract shall cease, to which the
User agrees in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
10.3. Termination of contract. You may terminate the Service contract at any time by
effectively canceling your User Account. You may also terminate your Service contract
by asking us to delete your personal data in accordance with the GDPR.
10.4. Termination of contract by us. We reserve the right to terminate the Service contract, if
you breach any of your obligations under the Service contract (including the Terms
and Conditions) or under applicable laws and regulations. Termination of the Service
contract under this clause is effective when it is delivered to you, by electronic mail to
your address. Unless otherwise agreed, the Service contract will terminate upon the
effective date of such termination.
11.1. Governing law. The relationship established by the Service contract is governed by
Czech law. By choosing the law according to the previous sentence, you are not
deprived of the protection afforded by the provisions of the legal order which cannot
be derogated from contractually and which would otherwise apply in the absence of a
choice of law according to the provisions of Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No
593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the law
applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I).
11.2. Jurisdiction of the courts. We have agreed on the jurisdiction and competence of the
courts of the Czech Republic.
11.3. Unilateral change in the terms and conditions. To the extent permitted by law, we may
unilaterally change the Terms and Conditions if we believe that such changes are
based on reasonable and justifiable grounds. You will be notified of a change to the
Terms and Conditions by e-mail to the user's address or by a dialog box on the
Website. The amended Terms and Conditions will take effect on the date specified in
the notice to you, i.e. by email to the User's address or in a dialogue box on the
Website, but no earlier than thirty (30) days from the date you are notified of such
change. You may reject the amended Terms and Conditions before they become
effective, in which case you may terminate the Service contract. This is without
prejudice to the provisions of clause 11.4 of the Terms and Conditions.
11.4. Consent to change the terms and conditions. Without prejudice to Article 11.3 of the
Terms and Conditions, a change to the Terms and Conditions may also be made by
your express confirmation (consent). By giving your express consent to the new
version of the Terms and Conditions, the new version shall become an integral part of
the Service contract from the applicable date. This explicit consent can be given via a
dialog box on the Website or in any other appropriate way.
11.5. Accessibility of the contract. We archive the Service contract, including the Terms and
Conditions, in electronic form and it is not publicly accessible.
In Prague on 09.10.2023
Livesport s.r.o.